Peterborough City Hall is located at 500 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario. Built in 1951, City Hall houses City administration and many municipal services. City Hall is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed on all Statutory Holidays
Our goal is to meet the diverse needs of all people and follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. We strive to achieve accessibility by creating an inclusive environment for our facilities, goods, services, employment, information, and transportation in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Budget and Finances
The City of Peterborough strives to be accountable and transparent regarding finance and budgets. Learn about our annual budgets, financial reporting and performance measurement. Our annual salary disclosure and our professional development, hospitality and related travel expenses are available for your review.
The City of Peterborough is not your ordinary employer. Check out our current careers and job opportunities, learn how to apply to work for the City and read testimonials from our employees.
Civic Awards
Each year, Civic Awards are presented to residents of the City of Peterborough who've made a difference in the community through sports, arts, culture and volunteering.
The City of Peterborough has several legislated and advisory committees that provide input and guidance on the provision of municipal services and programs for our community.
Contact Us
Contact us with your questions and concerns about municipal programs and services.
The City of Peterborough Council is made up of 10 Councillors and one Mayor. Find their contact information and learn more about their portfolios. Consider getting involved by attending a Council meeting or reading the agendas and minutes.
Climate Change and Environment
The City of Peterborough focuses on environmental and sustainable initiatives in our daily operations and decision making.
Insurance Claims
Learn what to do if you experience property damage or personal injury and choose to make a claim against the City of Peterborough.
News and Notices
Stay up-to date with City news and public notices. Check back often, or subscribe to this page for convenient updates.
Open Data
The City of Peterborough provides free access to many of its data sets through a dedicated Open Data Portal.
Plans and Policies
The City of Peterborough develops plans and policies to set objectives and guide our activities on behalf of the community.
As a property owner in the City of Peterborough, you pay property taxes each year that fund services like public education, police, libraries and waste collection. Find out about how to pay your taxes, how property tax rates are calculated, property assessments, and any tax assistance and rebates you could be eligible for.