Enbridge Gas Hybrid Heating Program for Peterborough

Posted on May 03, 2022

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Peterborough, ON - An Enbridge Gas Hybrid Heating Program that is planned for Peterborough, as announced by the Province following the release of its 2022 Budget last week, is another way to support the community’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Details on the program are available through Enbridge Gas.

The Province says it plans to provide up to $4.5 million toward a Clean Home Heating Initiative in London, St. Catharines, Sault Ste. Marie, and Peterborough to support the installation of electric heat pumps with smart controls for up to 1,000 households, providing homeowners with $3,000 to $4,500 in incentives.

By pairing an electric air source heat pump and smart controls with their high-efficiency gas furnace, homeowners can reduce their natural gas use. The hybrid system optimizes gas and electric sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while achieving utility bill savings.

Enbridge Gas’s Hybrid Heating Program compliments the City’s development of a Home Energy Efficiency Program, which would assist homeowners with renovations reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with their homes.

“This is a great opportunity for residents to take climate action and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, while also reducing their home energy bills,” says Michael Papadacos, Interim Commissioner for Infrastructure and Planning Services. “Residential home heating is the largest source of greenhouse gases in our community and this program will help residents take another step towards addressing community emissions. This type of support from upper levels of government will be critical for municipalities like Peterborough to meet their climate change goals.”

The City is currently reaching out to the community to get feedback to help inform the creation of the Home Energy Efficiency Program. Information on the Home Energy Efficiency Program and surveys to submit feedback are available through the City’s online community engagement hub, Connect Peterborough, at connectptbo.ca/homeenergy.