Notice of Public Meeting - August 8, 2023
Take Notice that the City of Peterborough has received the following application(s) and pursuant to Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13, the City of Peterborough General Committee will hold a Public Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8, 2023.
1. File: Z2109
Affected Lands: 540 and 550 Brealey Drive
Applicant: Life At The Brealey Inc.
Agent: Laura Stone, One Community Planning Inc.
The applicant proposes to modify the regulations of the existing SP.317-336 – Residential Zoning District by amending Exception 336 with site specific regulations to reduce the landscaped open space to 0m for the surface parking area abutting lands zoned SP.118; to reduce the minimum landscaped open space to 48%; to reduce the required parking for the apartment units to 1.35 spaces per unit; to reduce the minimum lot area per dwelling unit to 210 square metres; and to increase the maximum building height to 3 storeys to a maximum geodetic elevation of 244.77 metres asl to facilitate the construction of a 56-unit apartment building
2. File: Z2306
Affected Lands: 2159 Old Norwood Road
Applicant: 2531430 Ontario Ltd.
Agent: Brayden Libawski, The Biglieri Group Ltd.
The applicant is requesting the approval of a Temporary Use Zoning By-law to allow for the construction and operation of a new-home sales office with private water and wastewater services together with three (3) model homes in conjunction with the applicant’s current subdivision development on site for
up to three (3) years.
3. File: Z2307
Affected Lands: 418 Raymond Street
Applicant: Woodview Property Inc.
Agent: Michael Davenport
The applicant proposed to amend the zoning of the subject property from D.1– Development District to R.1 – Residential District to permit the construction of a single-detached dwelling.
4. File: Z2305
Affected Lands: City-wide
Applicant: City of Peterborough
The City of Peterborough is required to amend its Zoning By-law to facilitate ‘Additional Residential Units’ within certain residential dwelling types throughout the City. Additional Residential Units are ancillary to a permitted primary residential unit (detached house, semi-detached house or rowhouse) in a residential zoning district and are defined as follows:
Additional Residential Units are self-contained residential units with a private kitchen, bathroom facilities and sleeping areas within dwellings or within structures ancillary to a dwelling.”
Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 amended the Planning Act to require municipalities to permit up to two additional residential units via Zoning by-laws within certain residential dwelling types. The City’s Zoning By-law was updated in 2018 to permit a maximum of one (1) Secondary Suite within specific types of Principal Dwelling Units or within a residential
Accessory Building associated therewith. The City is now required to permit up to two (2) additional residential units within certain types of principal dwelling units or up to one additional residential unit in the permitted principal dwelling and up to one additional residential unit in an ancillary building or structure, subject to specific regulations. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment will implement this direction.
Pursuant to the Planning Act, there is no right to appeal in respect of the official plan policies and/or zoning by-laws that establish provisions permitting Additional Residential Units as per Section 35.1 of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990, c.
Additional information and materials relating to the proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment, including information about preserving your appeal rights may be obtained from the Planning Division, City Hall, (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) at 705-742-7777. Contact Ian Walker at ext. 1734 (email: for Files Z2109 and Z2306, Nolan Drumm at ext. 1733 ( for File Z2307, or Caroline Kimble at ext. 1735 (email: for File Z2305. For more information about how to watch or participate in the public meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Department at 705-742-7777 ext. 1820 or register on the City’s website by 11:00 a.m. the day of the meeting. Unregistered delegations are not permitted. A Staff report will be available by 12:00 p.m. on the City’s website on Thursday, the 3rd day of August, 2023.
Dated at the City of Peterborough this 10th day of July, 2023